dementia prevention

7 Steps to Clear Brain Fog and Roll Back Dementia Risk

7 Steps to Clear Brain Fog and Roll Back Dementia Risk

One of the most common concerns patients share with me is their fear of brain fog turning into Alzheimer’s disease. In our modern world, almost everyone feels a little fuzzy from time to time. Maybe we forget where we placed our keys, parked our car or what we went into that room to do. All are pretty common concerns. But what raises the red flag of dementia?

A “Recipe” for Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer and Dementia…

A “Recipe” for Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer and Dementia…

We awaken with a jolt, having slept poorly from too much stress, too much screen time and late night snacking; then we guzzle a mug of sweetened coffee with a pastry and hit the road to sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic to the office. The caffeine kicks our sympathetic nervous system into the fight or flight response about the time the sugar buzz hits. Now we’re wired and tired and ready for the workday. 🤯

Probiotics and Your Microbiome

Probiotics and Your Microbiome

Did you know your body is home to 100 trillion microbes whose population is largely shaped by what you eat and drink? If you’d like to improve your digestion, energy and mood, then meet your “gut microbiome” (the microbes and their genes that are living in your digestive tract). Like a city zoo, your large intestine houses roughly 1,000 different species, including bacteria, yeast, protozoa, viruses and worms. Your job is to cultivate a congenial clan that will support your health instead of erode it!

The Food - Brain Connection

The Food - Brain Connection

Have you ever felt almost “high” after eating pizza or a grilled cheese sandwich? It may be because these foods can act as opiates within our brain, leading to that “blissed out” feeling that often results in that “tired and toxic” feeling.


Make 2018 “Your Year to Build A Better Brain”

Make 2018 “Your Year to Build A Better Brain”

Are you dealing with brain fog or having trouble focusing? Does it impact your productivity and performance? Has it progressed to the point that you’re having trouble doing simple tasks you could before?If so, you’re not alone. Memory problems are one of the most common complaints I see in my practice, and it is growing more frequent every year.