healthy lifestyle

Can’t Travel? Indulge in the Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle at Home

Can’t Travel? Indulge in the Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle at Home

Imagine a seaside dinner of fresh fish nestled on a bed of colorful grilled vegetables drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil, and for those who imbibe, a glass of vino by the seashore? That’s the essence of the Mediterranean diet. While our travel there might be limited right now, we can still enjoy this style of eating, which is seriously delicious and relatively affordable (especially if you consider the cost-savings of disease prevention).

The Healing Benefits of Chicken Soup

The Healing Benefits of Chicken Soup

VIDEO: Did you know that the word “recipe” has its origins in French and means “medical prescription”? This chicken soup fills the Rx: it’s full of the flavors, colors, and nutrients of Nature. Real food to nurture your body, mind, and spirit!

Here are a few of the medicinal qualities of chicken soup:

Move Your Body!

Move Your Body!

If you’re feeling a bit stir-crazy being stuck inside while we wait for the pandemic to resolve, you’re not alone. This IS crazy-making! After all, we are animals that are built to be in motion. Our ancestors were up at the crack of dawn, in constant search of food and shelter so they could simply survive. While industrialization and technology have freed us from heavy physical labor, they’ve led to several generations of “couch potatoes” with a range of chronic diseases. And the pandemic has only made it worse as we’re all living online.

Time to Thrive

Time to Thrive

Yes, it’s been 10 years since my first “Dry January” and “ Whole 30”. And I’m doing them again this year. Trust me, it gets easier every time! Dry January, as in skipping alcohol the first month of the year, has a special appeal this trip around the sun. With the isolation of the pandemic, alcohol sales have skyrocketed, along with rates of anxiety and depression, lack of exercise, weight gain, and a LOT more screen time.

7 Steps to Clear Brain Fog and Roll Back Dementia Risk

7 Steps to Clear Brain Fog and Roll Back Dementia Risk

One of the most common concerns patients share with me is their fear of brain fog turning into Alzheimer’s disease. In our modern world, almost everyone feels a little fuzzy from time to time. Maybe we forget where we placed our keys, parked our car or what we went into that room to do. All are pretty common concerns. But what raises the red flag of dementia?

Why I’m Starting a Revolution

Why I’m Starting a Revolution

So why start a revolution? …Because a revolution is what it’s going to take for us to wake up, reclaim our health and prevent this epidemic of chronic disease that is claiming countless lives and bankrupting our country. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports that 90% of healthcare dollars are spent treating a cluster of chronic (but preventable) conditions: heart disease and stroke, diabetes, dementia and cancer.

Want To Be A “Super Ager”? Adopt a Healthy Aging Mindset

Want To Be A “Super Ager”? Adopt a Healthy Aging Mindset

We’ve got Super Man and Super Girl, so why not be a Super Ager?  It’s a term that was coined by UCSF researcher, Joel Kramer, PsyD, who has studied a set of seniors that defy the odds on aging. He’s been assessing the personality traits of those who thrive into their 80’s and beyond, and has found a consistent theme: a healthy aging mindset is a distinguishing factor.  The subjects with sharp cognition and vitality stay engaged in projects, they volunteer and have close family ties.

Take The Wheel To Grow Your Health

Take The Wheel To Grow Your Health

We all know our health care system is broken. You can’t turn on the news without catching a debate on best how to fix it. The challenge is that we don’t really have a “health care” system: we have a “disease management system”.  The U.S. spends more money per capita than any country, yet our disease burden is higher than in comparable countries.