All About Fennel

All About Fennel

In this video, I’m talking up FENNEL, that quirky veggie that looks like a hybrid of a white onion sprouting celery stalks with feathery green fronds! You’ll get the scoop on its healing benefits (listen up, ladies) as well as a tip, trick and a recipe.

Have You Tried Fennel Yet?

Have You Tried Fennel Yet?

If you haven’t tried fennel yet, you’re missing out on its powerful benefits to support healthy-aging! Fennel is that unusual veggie that looks like a cross between a white onion and celery, with stalks forming a crown of green feathery fronds. Its mild anise, or licorice flavor has made it a favorite in both Italian and French cooking, where it is featured in the classic fisherman’s soup of France, bouillabaisse.

Struggling with Indigestion?

Struggling with Indigestion?

What do apples, onions, hummus and ice cream have in common?

They’re all rich in FODMAPs: a set of carbohydrates that may trigger the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): bloating, gas, cramping, constipation or diarrhea.

Probiotics and Your Microbiome

Probiotics and Your Microbiome

Did you know your body is home to 100 trillion microbes whose population is largely shaped by what you eat and drink? If you’d like to improve your digestion, energy and mood, then meet your “gut microbiome” (the microbes and their genes that are living in your digestive tract). Like a city zoo, your large intestine houses roughly 1,000 different species, including bacteria, yeast, protozoa, viruses and worms. Your job is to cultivate a congenial clan that will support your health instead of erode it!