lifestyle medicine

Time to Thrive

Time to Thrive

Yes, it’s been 10 years since my first “Dry January” and “ Whole 30”. And I’m doing them again this year. Trust me, it gets easier every time! Dry January, as in skipping alcohol the first month of the year, has a special appeal this trip around the sun. With the isolation of the pandemic, alcohol sales have skyrocketed, along with rates of anxiety and depression, lack of exercise, weight gain, and a LOT more screen time.

7 Steps to Clear Brain Fog and Roll Back Dementia Risk

7 Steps to Clear Brain Fog and Roll Back Dementia Risk

One of the most common concerns patients share with me is their fear of brain fog turning into Alzheimer’s disease. In our modern world, almost everyone feels a little fuzzy from time to time. Maybe we forget where we placed our keys, parked our car or what we went into that room to do. All are pretty common concerns. But what raises the red flag of dementia?

Are you protected from the Silent Epidemic that is killing Americans?

Are you protected from the Silent Epidemic that is killing Americans?

Could you be a victim of the “Silent Epidemic” that is killing Americans and bankrupting our country? Silent: as in, you don’t know that it is happening to you until it hits. Epidemic: as in, a widespread occurrence of a disease in a community.