foods for brain health

It never rains in California (except in my upstairs bathroom)!

It never rains in California (except in my upstairs bathroom)!

Yep, my home FLOODED! Not like the recent floods in Indonesia, the Carolinas, or Houston. Blessings to all those victims! Instead, the more common type of flooding disaster struck our home in mid-July:  

That’s when a pipe burst under the sink in our upstairs master bathroom, spewing water for hours…

Eggs for Your Brain, Heart and Health

Eggs for Your Brain, Heart and Health

As Mother’s Day approaches, I want to remember my Mom with a recipe that is perfect for Mother’s Day brunch and review some reassuring research about eggs, “Nature’s perfect protein”.  First, the much-maligned egg has been vindicated (once again), this time by an Australian study just published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Make 2018 “Your Year to Build A Better Brain”

Make 2018 “Your Year to Build A Better Brain”

Are you dealing with brain fog or having trouble focusing? Does it impact your productivity and performance? Has it progressed to the point that you’re having trouble doing simple tasks you could before?If so, you’re not alone. Memory problems are one of the most common complaints I see in my practice, and it is growing more frequent every year.