healthy aging revolution

September is Healthy Aging Month and Time for Your Healthy Aging Reset!

September is Healthy Aging Month and  Time for Your Healthy Aging Reset!

I’m thrilled to announce that my first online course, The Healthy Aging Reset, begins on September 24th! 
I’ve spent the summer crafting this life-changing course to empower you to take charge of your health. And you can do it from the comfort of your laptop at home!

7 Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Self-Healing Powers

7 Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Self-Healing Powers

Congratulations! As a human living in a body, you’re in charge of one of the most sophisticated organisms on the planet!  Your body comes fully equipped with: an integrated set of organs that are in constant communication and designed to maintain optimal balance, a physical structure to move us away from harm, towards food and love, a powerful life force…

Take The Wheel To Grow Your Health

Take The Wheel To Grow Your Health

We all know our health care system is broken. You can’t turn on the news without catching a debate on best how to fix it. The challenge is that we don’t really have a “health care” system: we have a “disease management system”.  The U.S. spends more money per capita than any country, yet our disease burden is higher than in comparable countries.