In this video, I’m talking up FENNEL, that quirky veggie that looks like a hybrid of a white onion sprouting celery stalks with feathery green fronds! You’ll get the scoop on its healing benefits (listen up, ladies) as well as a tip, trick and a recipe.
Root Cause Driver # 5: Loss of Essential Hormones
The gradual loss of our sex hormones as we go through “the change” can be disorienting. There goes our sleep, libido, energy, temperature regulation, moods and more. What’s a body to do? Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone have defined our lives from puberty until ~ age 50, when their insidious decline signals menopause and andropause (male menopause).
Have You Tried Fennel Yet?
If you haven’t tried fennel yet, you’re missing out on its powerful benefits to support healthy-aging! Fennel is that unusual veggie that looks like a cross between a white onion and celery, with stalks forming a crown of green feathery fronds. Its mild anise, or licorice flavor has made it a favorite in both Italian and French cooking, where it is featured in the classic fisherman’s soup of France, bouillabaisse.