health benefits of fennel

All About Fennel

All About Fennel

In this video, I’m talking up FENNEL, that quirky veggie that looks like a hybrid of a white onion sprouting celery stalks with feathery green fronds! You’ll get the scoop on its healing benefits (listen up, ladies) as well as a tip, trick and a recipe.

Have You Tried Fennel Yet?

Have You Tried Fennel Yet?

If you haven’t tried fennel yet, you’re missing out on its powerful benefits to support healthy-aging! Fennel is that unusual veggie that looks like a cross between a white onion and celery, with stalks forming a crown of green feathery fronds. Its mild anise, or licorice flavor has made it a favorite in both Italian and French cooking, where it is featured in the classic fisherman’s soup of France, bouillabaisse.