Know Your Numbers to Grow Stronger

One of the silver linings of the coronavirus pandemic is that it has helped people realize their immunity is tied to the overall state of their health. 

Those with underlying chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), liver and kidney diseases and cancer have impaired immunity and are more susceptible to infection. 

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), 60% of Americans have one of these diseases and 40% have two or more. 

Not only is this disease burden robbing our vitality and bankrupting our “health-care system”, it also makes us more susceptible to infection.

This is unacceptable since most of these diseases are preventable and many are reversible in their early stages. 

So, if you don’t know your blood pressure is high, how can you lower it?

If you’re deficient in a key vitamin that supports immunity and you don’t know it, then you’re more vulnerable. 

Knowledge is power. Here are seven essential numbers you should know when you’re ready to take charge of your health. 

The good news is that these “biomarkers” (measurable indicators of a biological state or condition) are modifiable with dietary and lifestyle change. 

Let your doctor know that you’d like to be tested for these (and others) so you can work to reduce your risk of chronic disease. 



  • Fasting blood glucose (FBG) is the measure of your blood sugar at the time of your blood draw. It should be less than 99 mg/dL, but 80-90 mg/dL is a better measure. Values of 100 mg/dL or more represent the drift towards diabetes. Values over 130 mg/dL indicate diabetes is present. 

  • HbA1c (hemoglobin A1c) measures blood sugar over past 3 months (the lifespan of the red blood cell). HbA1c should be 5.6% or less; levels between 5.7% and 6.3% suggest pre-diabetes; greater than 6.4% represent diabetes. 

Excessive sugar intake slows the immune response, promotes diabetes and inflammation. It’s time to cut WAY back on this addictive crystalline substance! 


  • hsCRP (highly-sensitive C-Reactive Protein) is a marker of cardiac (as well as systemic) inflammation. The range is 0.1-3.0 mg/L. Your goal is to keep it under 1.0 mg/L. 

  • ALT/AST: “liver function tests” like ALT and AST reflect the level of enzymes made by liver when it is irritated and inflamed. 

    1.  ALT should be between 6-29 U/L and AST should be between 10-35 U/L 
      (Note: there are variations between ages, sex and laboratories). 

Common causes of elevated liver enzymes are excessive alcohol, dehydration, excessive sugar and protein intake, viral illness and fatty liver disease (more on this condition in the coming months). Inflammation lies at the heart of chronic disease. 


  • Vitamin D3: To get the most accurate level of vitamin D, ask your doctor to order 25(OH) Vitamin D3. Values less 30 ng/mL represent deficiency, while optimal is 50-80 ng/mL. 

Low levels of vitamin D are associated with impaired immunity, increased risk of upper respiratory infection and most of the chronic diseases. 


Get your blood pressure tested and maintain it at 120/80 or less: the newest guidelines suggest that 110/70 is more cardioprotective. 

Elevated blood pressure damages the blood vessels and can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure and vision loss. Nearly half of adult Americans have high blood pressure (hypertension) and many don’t know it. Don’t let yourself be one! 


Body Mass Index is a simple measure of your body fat based on your height and weight. 

Optimal BMI is 18.5-24.9 

Overweight is 25-29.9 and 

Obesity is a BMI of 30+ 

Use this handy tool to calculate your BMI:

Here is a handy printable checklist to bring to your doctor these numbers to check:

It’s been said that ignorance is bliss, but when it comes to your health, nothing could be further from the truth.

Schedule an appointment to get your vital signs and lab work done. Let your health care provider know you’re interested in learning how to prevent these chronic diseases. 

Once you know your numbers, you’re in the driver’s seat. 

This summer, I’ll open registration for the Healthy Aging Reset, my online course to help you grow your health and prevent and reverse chronic disease so you can live with vitality at every age!

Until then, I hope you’ll join my community and explore DrSallysKitchen for vital information about how to optimize your diet and lifestyle. 

I’ll be writing more about how to prevent these chronic diseases; please write back to let me know the biggest health concerns you’d like me to address.

A santé! 

(To your health) 

#knowyournumbers #hearthealth #coronovirus #bloodpressure #diabetes #weight #prevention #foodismedicine #naturopathic medicine #functionalmedicine