Healthy Immune Reset - Discounted


Healthy Immune Reset - Discounted


*Watch Video Below*

I’d love to have you join me on a 30-day anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting program. Starting in mid-September, I'll coach you, motivate you, and inspire you with a whole new set of fall recipes, cooking videos, stress-busting strategies, and essential guides to building your immunity.

We’ll explore a whole new set of recipes: Hearty Super-Food Bowls, Sumptuous Fall Soups, Stir-Fry Magic and dozens of other recipes and lifestyle shifts to pique your immunity, help your energy soar, and get you in great shape for the holidays that will quickly follow

And, you’ll have the chance to join me for a brief Equinox Fast, like the ancient cultures of the world have traditionally done at this magical time of year.

One thing I’ve learned, you need more support, so the next course will feature much more LIVE support, starting with a kick-off Zoom call so we’re all aligned on our mission and ready to go for it!

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